All posts tagged with medicinal plants
-(Natural News) The war on carbon is a war on life itself. It is a war on plant health, animal health and human life. Not only is carbon dioxide necessary for photosynthesis, but it also makes plants more nutritious, multiplying their medicinal value. Numerous studies show that higher carbon dioxide levels increase the vitamin and […]
-(Natural News) Wild violets are beautiful, but many people consider the plant an unwanted weed. But if you know how to use them, you would treasure wild violets because of their many edible and medicinal uses. (h/t to How to identify wild violets Wild violets (Viola sororia) or common blue violets usually have purple flowers and […]
-(Natural News) Native Americans have been using medicinal plants long before the European conquest of America. Today, medicinal plants are still widely used in the United States, and for good reason. For starters, they contain potent compounds that can help with a wide variety of ailments and health problems. Medicinal plants are also all-natural and don’t carry with […]
-(Natural News) The pomegranate, one of the oldest known edible fruits, is a small, bright red fruit native to parts of the Middle East and the Himalayas in Northern India. Cut one open and you’ll find several ruby red seeds that can be eaten raw, juiced or added to recipes. Also known as arils, pomegranate seeds […]
-(Natural News) Medicinal plants deserve a place in your home garden, especially if you prefer using home remedies to treat common complaints like a cold or cough. If you don’t have enough space for a home garden, you can also learn how to identify and forage for medicinal plants like gumweed, a herb often used […]
-(Natural News) North America is rich in wild medicinal plants that you can harvest for profit. These herbs are used in Native American Medicine to treat a variety of ailments, from lung infections to fever. Since they grow in the wild, harvesting them won’t cost you anything. (h/t How to harvest wild herbs You need […]
-(Natural News) Eucalyptus is a fast-growing tree that’s native to Australia. It has a distinct chemical makeup that lends itself to several medicinal and household uses. Its antiseptic, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects stem mostly from the compound eucalyptol, a common ingredient in mouthwash and cough suppressant. There are more than 400 hundred different species of eucalyptus. Eucalyptus […]
-(Natural News) Cannabis has a long and colorful relationship with humankind. Endemic to the steppes of Central Asia, cannabis (Cannabis sativa) – also known as ganja, weed and marijuana – was first cultivated by the ancient Chinese, according to researcher Barney Warf, adding that the history of cannabis use goes back as far as 12,000 […]
-(Natural News) The Ancient Chinese were among those who pioneered the use of cannabis 2,500 years ago, experts have revealed. Proof of this, archaeologists say, are the remains of scorched wooden incense burners that were unearthed at an ancient burial ground in the mountains of western China. These burners, which were among the relics found […]
-(Natural News) Herbs and plants make for potent medicines and holistic treatments for a range of ailments, from muscle pain to bacterial infections. These natural remedies also do not cause harmful side effects like drugs and are cost-efficient to boot. In one of his recent articles published online, prepper and natural medicine proponent Claude Davis […]