All posts tagged with medical waste
-(Natural News) A recent study published in the journal PNAS calculated for the first time how much waste in the form of single-use personal protective equipment (PPE) ended up in the oceans since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began in 2020. “The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an increased demand for single-use plastics that intensifies pressure on an […]
-(Natural News) As the world continues to grapple with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, experts warn that another global concern may be looming with plastic pollution. A particular concern for them is personal protective equipment (PPE), given its recent ubiquity and the challenges it poses to recycling initiatives. In Asia, its impact on the environment […]
-(Natural News) If you’re planning to vote Democrat in 2020, just know that you’ll also be voting in favor of murdering newborn babies who survive botched abortions. In case you haven’t been paying attention to the news over the past week, there isn’t a single Democratic candidate running for president in 2020 who sees new […]
-(Natural News) An investigation out of Georgia has confirmed that the medical waste giant Stericycle is burning the bodies of aborted babies at its North Carolina incineration plant. The mounting evidence of the ongoing operation, which has been characterized as a “modern-day Auschwitz,” further documents the corporate collaboration in the systematic annihilation of unwanted children. […]
-(Natural News) “Franken”-scientists have come up with a new use for aborted baby body parts, as they’re reportedly now artificially attaching and/or surgically implanting them inside laboratory mice in order to “humanize” the rodents for Big Pharma drug testing purposes. Documents obtained by The Sun (U.K.) reveal that baby butcher groups like Planned Parenthood are […]
-(Natural News) One of the fundamental tenets of modern-day “liberalism,” at least in the Democratic-socialist sense, maintains that the death penalty is somehow “inhumane” as a punishment for criminals because capital punishment violates what it means to have a just society that’s committed to “humanism” and “equality.” And yet, the very same liberals who claim […]
-(Natural News) Far-left lunatic and pro-abortion death cultist Lizz Winstead, creator of “The Daily Show,” recently went on a hate-filled diatribe on Twitter, where she referred to unborn babies as “medical waste,” as well as shared a video accusing those who support human life of being “real bats**t extremists.” Winstead’s demonically-possessed rant was triggered by […]
-(Natural News) When the experts congregate to discuss the topic of biosolids safety, one major issue that’s rarely, if ever, brought to the table is the propensity for concentrated sewage sludge – which is what biosolids are, by the way – to become contaminated with radioactive isotopes. During an exclusive, behind-the-scenes interview with the Brighteon […]