All posts tagged with medical terrorism
-(Natural News) A fourth-year medical student enrolled at Wake Forest University (WFU) in North Carolina purposely harmed a patient after that patient made a comment about gender pronouns that the student found to be “offensive.” Kychelle Del Rosario bragged on Twitter about intentionally missing the vein of the man during a blood draw so that […]
-(Natural News) The Biden regime is banning monoclonal antibodies by removing them from emergency use authorization (EUA). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decided out of the blue to cut off America’s supply of Regeneron, a “passive vaccine” that many Democrats seem to oppose because it was promoted by President Donald Trump. (Related: Sen. […]
-(Natural News) For the “crime” of saving thousands of lives, an Arkansas doctor is under investigation by the Arkansas Medical Board after he was caught successfully administering ivermectin to sick Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients. Dr. Robert Karas, who provides medical services to the Washington County jail, started prescribing the off-patent anti-malarial drug last October after […]
-(Natural News) There seems to be no end to the CDC’s propaganda and control, as it proliferates every aspect of society, causing perpetual hysteria, loss of civil liberties and medical ethics. Yet for over a year, social media platforms have adopted CDC propaganda as doctrine, punishing scientific inquiry and censoring topics like informed consent, infection […]
-(Natural News) Video gamers who support the government’s fascist Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) dictates have a new opportunity to murder those who oppose lockdowns, face masks, and “vaccines” – at least digitally. The Steam gaming platform has made available to its users a three-minute, first-person-shooter video game called “STAYHOMER” that has one simple objective: to blow […]
-(Natural News) A researcher from Europe recently conducted a survey that looked at the state of “magnetism” in people’s bodies after they get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), the results of which are nothing short of disturbing. It turns out that getting jabbed for the Fauci Flu causes a person’s body to become increasingly […]
-(Natural News) It would seem as though most left-wingers are eager to get injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), if they have not done so already. Conservatives, on the other hand, are far more “hesitant,” which is why the Biden regime is scheming up new campaigns aimed at luring Republicans into getting jabbed. To better […]
-(Natural News) A psychiatrist has claimed that the ongoing Wuhan coronavirus pandemic has caused the world to suffer from “mass delusional psychosis.” Dr. Mark McDonald said the true public health crisis is not COVID-19 itself, but the fear of contracting it. He expressed concern that this “highly irrational” fear will have a lasting effect on […]
-(Natural News) Earlier in the month, we reported that Antifa fascists had brutally assaulted Quillette journalist Andy Ngo in Portland, Oregon, simply for existing and being conservative. Ngo’s injuries were so severe that he’s actually having to be hospitalized due to severe brain bleed. But as horrific as this incident of leftist domestic terrorism is, […]
-(Natural News) Not content with allowing their medical freedoms to be steamrolled by the Big Pharma mafia, a group of 55 families in New York is reportedly suing the state over its repeal of laws protecting religious exemptions from mandatory vaccination. The lawsuit, which was filed on July 10, petitions the New York State Supreme […]