All posts tagged with mainstream science
-(Natural News) Extinction is imminent for killer whales off the coast of the United Kingdom. The cause of the whale’s population decline isn’t some abstract concept called “climate change.” The whales are being sterilized in their own habitat by a toxic chemical called perfluorinated biphenyls (PCBs). For the most part, PCBs are banned. A product […]
-(Natural News) Telling the truth about a scandal that hasn’t been approved by the legacy media and their owners often yields a predictable result: You’ll be labeled a conspiracy theorist — even when there is plenty of evidence to support the truth. Comfortable lies may help some people sleep at night, but the truth is […]
-(Natural News) When it comes to scientific facts, we are reliant on what we are taught by people that we perceive to be “authorities” on the subject. And for a while now, the pervasive message about carbon dioxide (CO2) has been that it is a dirty pollutant responsible for man-made global warming. If levels of […]
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