All posts tagged with magnetic stimulation
-(Natural News) As you age, you may begin to forget some things or misplace things occasionally. This is a normal part of the aging process. However, age-related memory loss can possibly be reversed using a noninvasive form of brain stimulation. A study published in the journal Neurology found that transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can restore […]
-(Natural News) Researchers from Northwestern University in Chicago conducted a pilot study that tested the effectiveness of transcranial magnetic stimulation for the prevention of age-related memory decline. The results, published in an online issue of Neurology on April 17, 2019, suggest that memory can be enhanced temporarily using magnetic fields. The magnetic fields purportedly stimulate […]
-(Natural News) Fears can now be blocked in a split second, provided that a specific region of your brain will be stimulated magnetically. This is a novel undertaking, seeing that a lot of people these days are afflicted with all kinds of phobias; some panic the first moment that they step foot on an aircraft, […]