All posts tagged with lymphocytes
-(Natural News) Independent research conducted by Drs. Sucharit Bhakdi and Arne Burkhardt suggests that the vast majority of deaths that occur after “vaccination” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are, in fact, caused by the jabs. For their research, the two doctors took a closer look at 15 deceased bodies that were deemed by coroners or […]
-(Natural News) Complete suppression of immune response may be the real cause of death among coronavirus patients, claim two new studies led by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSTL). Previous reports point to severe inflammation as the main cause of organ damage suffered by patients with severe COVID-19. But autopsy findings tell a […]
-(Natural News) For the past few years, research has determined that vitamin C can help fight cancer, mainly because this vitamin can boost the immune system. Vitamin C strengthens your immune system Researchers have been studying the properties of vitamin C for almost a century. In 1937, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi’s research won him the Nobel Prize in Physiology. Since then, vitamin […]