All posts tagged with licorice root
-(Natural News) Keeping the lungs healthy is very important. But it can be difficult to do so when there are a lot of pollutants in the air, such as cigarette smoke, dirty automobile exhaust and other aerosol contaminants. Fortunately, nature has plenty of herbs that can support respiratory health. Here are five of them. (h/t to […]
-(Natural News) The engineered spike proteins from SARS-CoV-2 can be STOPPED by a common “weed” that is exterminated from lawns every year. A German university study found that the common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) can block spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptors in human lung and kidney cells. The water-based dandelion extract, […]
-(Natural News) The cures for SARS-CoV-2 have already been designed by God, prepared through evolutionary processes and synthesized by nature. More than 85 percent of covid-19 patients in China are successfully treated using medicinal plants that have been studied extensively in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). During the 2003 SARS epidemic, The National […]
-(Natural News) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is the official gatekeeper of medicine in the United States. When it comes to the business of saving lives, the FDA is the all-important, central authority that controls the general direction of hospital systems pertaining to pharmaceutical distribution and drug regulation. The FDA approval process favors vaccine […]
-(Natural News) Are you ready to release bodily and mental tension? Are you in need of that now? Most of us are. What’s your first line of defense against parasites, bacteria, viruses, corrupt news and rude people? Maybe you need to combat depression and anxiety, instead of “letting them happen” to you. Or still, maybe, […]
-(Natural News) In March 2020, the mortality rate for covid-19 was advertised as a scary 3.4 percent by the World Health Organization and experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci. As more data was collected over time, the mortality rate fell. The latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) break down the mortality rate […]
-(Natural News) If you’ve been wondering if there’s a natural way to deal with coronavirus, you’re not alone – it’s a question that researchers have been trying to answer for many years. The novel coronavirus has been spreading across the globe, with an ever-growing number of people falling ill. Symptoms include a sore throat, cough […]
-(Natural News) The New York Times has published dangerous misinformation about how to prepare for the coronavirus. The recent article said, “wash your hands, keep a supply of medicine, and GET A FLU SHOT.” This might be one of the most illogical pieces of medical advice ever doled out by the mainstream media. The article […]
-(Natural News) Whooping cough is a serious respiratory infection that requires plenty of bed rest and careful treatment. Thankfully, there are a number of home remedies that can hasten your recovery from the illness. These natural treatments can relieve the discomfort and trouble caused by the symptoms of the cough. Formally called pertussis, whooping cough is an infection of […]
-(Natural News) An important ingredient in classic candy is actually a safe and effective way of taking care of your oral health. Studies suggested that the dried root of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) can be used as a natural alternative to chemical toothpaste and harsh mouthwashes. Licorice is mostly known for adding flavor to confectionery and foods. […]