All posts tagged with Kraft
-(Natural News) One of the nation’s largest manufacturers of processed food said in a letter that dozens of its most popular products will see price hikes come March. According to reports, the affected brands and products include Oscar Mayer cold cuts, hot dogs, sausages, bacon, Velveeta cheese, Maxwell House coffee, TGIF frozen chicken wings, Kool-Aid, […]
Open records request reveals shocking e-mail from Kraft scientist claiming the “IARC is killing us!”
-(Natural News) If the top cancer research agency in the world links one of your products to cancer, what should you do? The responsible thing would be to pull the product from the market and try to get to the bottom of the situation. If you feel they’re wrong, the most obvious course of action […] -
-(Natural News) Phthalates are everywhere. They can be found in plastic food containers, coatings, printing inks, household products, packaged foods, and personal-care products. Phthalates act as binding agents and make plastics softer and more flexible. New studies on the dangerous impacts of phthalates on our health seem to come out every week. Given their hormone- […]