All posts tagged with kidney damage
-(Natural News) A new study conducted by New York-based healthcare provider Northwell Health found that over a third of patients treated for COVID-19, the infectious disease caused by the Wuhan coronavirus, developed acute kidney injury. “We found in the first 5,449 patients admitted, 36.6% developed acute kidney injury,” said co-author Kenar Jhaveri in a statement. In their […]
-(Natural News) Bupleurum smithii is a perennial herb best known for its thick rhizome, which is used for medicinal purposes. Native to East Asia, especially in the northern and central parts of China, the roots of B. smithii are often used as a regional substitute for bei chai hu (B. chinense), an herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) […]
-(Natural News) Repeated exposure to low levels of fluoride may be toxic to the kidneys and liver of children, found a study published in the journal Environment International. Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai examined how fluoride levels in water and blood may relate to renal and liver health. They found that […]
-(Natural News) Blood pressure medications might reduce the risk of cardiometabolic conditions, but researchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) found that healthcare professionals might be doing more harm than good in prescribing more intense medications. Published in JAMA Internal Medicine, their results demonstrated that patients admitted for non-cardiac conditions but had high blood pressure had a greater risk of readmission, […]
-(Natural News) Drug-induced nephrotoxicity (kidney toxicity) is a common problem in clinical medicine. Certain medications prescribed to treat chronic conditions also inevitably cause acute kidney injury. In fact, the incidence of drug-related acute kidney injury may be as high as 60 percent, according to a study. This is not only costly for many patients, but it also […]
-(Natural News) A urinary tract infection (UTI) affects any part of the human urinary system such as the bladder, kidneys, ureters or urethra — the tube connecting the bladder to the urethral opening on the external genitals where urine exits. Most UTI cases involve the bladder (cystitis) and the urethra (urethritis) and, due to human anatomy, affect women more […]
-(Natural News) While many modern forms of medicine, such as the Western medicine, have become the norm in healthcare, traditional approaches or alternative medicines are still as effective in treating diseases as they have been for many years. In Japan, they have Kampo medicine that is rooted in ancient Chinese medicine. Yokuininto, a commercially available […]
-(Natural News) Red sage, scientifically known as Salvia miltiorrhiza or danshen in Chinese, is a well-known herbal medicine in China and other Asian countries used for treating various health problems. A study published in The American Journal of Chinese Medicine suggested that red sage can also be used for treating acute kidney injury. Acute kidney injury […]
-(Natural News) Aflatoxins are toxic compounds produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, two pathogenic fungi that thrive in hot and humid climates. Aflatoxins are some of the most carcinogenic toxins known to man, and they can be found in foods today. A. flavus and A. parasiticus can contaminate crops in the field, at harvest, and during storage. The aflatoxins they produce are commonly found […]
-(Natural News) Chemotherapy, often shortened to “chemo,” is the use of drugs to remove, kill, or damage cancer cells. In conventional medicine, particularly in oncology, it’s often the primary treatment for cancer, given its systemic effects and its ability to destroy cancer cells regardless of their primary site. The treatment, despite being touted as “effective against many […]