
Another Monsanto shill EXPOSED: University of Illinois professor caught in dirty financial scheme

Monsanto’s history of spreading chemical death has been well documented. Following the Viet Nam war, their portfolio was so toxic, they divested themselves of Agent Orange, DDT and PCBs. What remained was their best seller, the ubiquitous glyphosate-based Round Up herbicide. With White House support, a squashing of scientific opposition and billions invested over two decades, they Read More


University professor takes relationship with Monsanto to the next level

Kevin’s Folta’s email signature reads, “Don’t tell me it can’t be done… Tell me how you are going to help me do it.” When Monsanto representatives approached Folta in 2013 to use him as a “good public interface,” they told him exactly how they were going to help him do it… with lots of unrestricted Read More

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Folta-Gate: How The Atlantic used an exposed liar as their primary source in a hit piece on The Food Babe

Last week, University of Florida Professor, Kevin Folta, was exposed as having indisputably questionable financial ties to the Big-Agra Behemoth, Monsanto. This was especially damning due to the fact that Kevin Folta was used gregariously as the token academic shill, in mainstream media’s campaign of hit pieces against clean food activists like the Food Babe. Read More


Academic Hall of Shame: ‘Monsanto Mafia’ scientists named, exposed for pushing GMO agenda in exchange for grants, favors and gifts

The list of “Monsanto Mafia” scientists just keeps getting larger. Day by day, we’re coming to learn that Monsanto has infiltrated dozens of universities across America, offering bribes (grants, gifts, donations, etc.) in exchange for the “intellectual protection” services of university scientists who whore themselves out to corporate “science.” (Authored by Mike Adams, this article Read More


Monsanto, WebMD and academic shills all conspire to mislead the public and game the search engines: Secret emails now public

In January 2015, Lisa Drake of the Monsanto Company wrote Professor Kevin Folta a conspiratorial email, asking for a little favor that would involve doing a blog on biotechnology (GMOs) for WebMD. Her email said, “that won’t stop me from asking another favor.” This favor was just one of many from the Monsanto Company, which donated Read More