All posts tagged with Judicial Branch
-(Natural News) You might remember that ancient time in history when American civics discussions involved the separation of powers. Apparently, those days are long gone in the rubble of what was once considered a constitutional republic. Forget Joe Biden targeting the President of Russia for assassination, what happened today is far more serious in context. (Article […]
-(Natural News) When our founders devised our republican form of government, they gave each of the three branches specific responsibilities in terms of governance. The Legislative Branch makes laws, passes budgets, sets rules for government agencies, etc. The Executive Branch sets the agenda and leads the country, ensuring that laws are faithfully executed and that […]
-(Natural News) Once upon a time, the most cynical Americans among us often quipped that our government “is the best that money can buy.” But nowadays, it’s not just the cynical who say that. Increasingly, ordinary Americans are conceding, publicly and privately, that we have completely lost control over any aspect of government because so much […]
-(Natural News) Once again, another judicial activist federal judge is pretending to have more authority than the head of the Executive Branch, President Donald Trump. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar, who was appointed to the libtard judicial capital of the country – the Ninth Circuit – by Barack “Spygate” Obama, blocked the Trump […]
-(Natural News) In Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton, viewed as one of the most influential of our founding fathers, argued that the Judicial Branch would be the least dangerous of the three, since the Legislative Branch retained the power of the purse and the Executive Branch the power over law enforcement and the military. Titled […]
-(Natural News) If our founding fathers could see the kind of abuses of our privacy, our property rights, our gun rights, and our other ‘constitutionally guaranteed’ rights Americans tolerate today, they would shake their heads in disbelief. They would likely wonder why they risked their lives, their livelihoods, and their freedom to bequeath to their […]
-(Natural News) The concept of “judicial activism” certainly is not new and predates the Trump administration by at least a few decades, but since Donald Trump ascended to the Oval Office, Leftist judges who have often been accused of such behavior are doubling and tripling down on it. In fact, there have been precious few […]
-(Natural News) As a legislator, Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez makes a pretty good activist, given that in the short time since she won her seat during the midterm elections earlier this month she’s already taken part in a climate change protest in the office of Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and a conference call with Justice Democrats, […]