All posts tagged with jellyfish
-(Natural News) Jellyfish are ubiquitous creatures that can be found in the deep sea and in surface waters. Many beachgoers consider them pests because they sting people and can shut down beaches. Some industries also suffer economic losses whenever there is a jellyfish bloom. However, these small and seemingly innocent creatures may soon become more than just pests. […]
-(Natural News) Given its gelatinous body, a primitive skeleton, and a mouth ringed by 18 tentacles, the fossil of Daihua sanqiong might be mistaken for a sea monster – were it not for its small size. Its discoverers believe the extinct animal to be an ancestor of comb jellies. D. sanqiong lived 518 million years ago […]
-(Natural News) The future of wound dressing may come from the unlikeliest of sources — jellyfish. Studies have revealed that jellyfish contain collagen, which can assist in tissue regrowth and help with the healing process. Experts believe that this is because collagen generates cells such as fibroblasts and keratinocytes which sanitize the wound and encourage the growth […]
-(Natural News) As strange as this may sound, scientists still don’t know why we sleep. Certainly there are medical benefits to rest; cells regenerate and the mind is allowed to process new information, among other things. Yet, from an evolutionary point of view, sleeping makes no sense. For one thing, it makes creatures more vulnerable […]
-(Natural News) Thanks to science, humans have been able to mimic the characteristics of many different animals. One example of this is human flight, which was made possible by drawing inspiration from the movement of birds, first and foremost. Now a team of Japanese researchers wants to take inspiration from fireflies and jellyfish by unlocking […]