All posts tagged with irritable bowel syndrome
-(Natural News) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a major public health problem that affects anywhere between nine to 23 percent of the world’s population. Now, South Korean researchers are looking into probiotics as a possible treatment for IBS. IBS is a common disturbance of the bowel characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort alongside abdominal distention. It […]
-(Natural News) Brief pain is something your brain and body can handle with ease. But chronic pain, especially if it is originating from the abdomen, is an entirely different story. Chronic abdominal pain can have complex and lasting effects on your brain. It changes how the brain responds to pain signals. Eva Szigethy, a professor of psychiatry and medicine […]
-(Natural News) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that causes abdominal pain or discomfort as well as chronic or recurrent constipation or diarrhea. Between 25 and 45 million Americans suffer from IBS, the majority of which are women. IBS affects the large intestine and is a condition that needs to be managed long […]
-(Natural News) Triphala is an herbal preparation that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s a powerful remedy used to treat various oral and digestive ailments, such as gingivitis and constipation. Its therapeutic effects stem from its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The word “triphala” literally means “three fruits” as the concoction consists of three medicinal fruit plants that are native […]
-(Natural News) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a lifelong condition that can be very difficult to deal with on a daily basis. Fortunately, a recent study has found that peppermint oil can be a safe and effective remedy for IBS. Published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the research revealed that peppermint oil has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory […]
-(Natural News) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disorder that affects the large intestine. It can be caused by a severe infection, inflammation or abnormal muscle contractions. Among the many symptoms of IBS, abdominal pain, coupled with either diarrhea or constipation, is the most common. People with IBS often report low health-related quality of life. […]
-(Natural News) Researchers from China and Hong Kong studied the effects of quercetin on visceral pain and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) availability in post-inflammatory irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS) rats. Their findings were published in the Journal of Medicinal Food. Intestinal enterochromaffin (EC) cell hyperplasia and 5-HT availability play key roles in the pathogenesis of abdominal hypersensitivity caused by IBS. […]
-(Natural News) Constipation – a condition marked by infrequent bowel movement and difficulty defecating – is mainly caused by dehydration and a lack of dietary fiber in the colon. It is one of the most common digestive disorders that affect millions of people worldwide. In the U.S. alone, over four million people reported experiencing frequent constipation, according […]
-(Natural News) Hypovitaminosis D, or vitamin D deficiency, is a common health problem experienced by many, particularly those living in cold countries and those getting limited sun exposure. In the U.S., four out of 10 individuals are likely to have insufficient vitamin D levels. If left unaddressed, vitamin D deficiency can cause a variety of […]
-(Natural News) One of the challenges of treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is its unclear etiology. However, a recent study revealed that its symptoms are closely linked to both gut and brain health. The study – a collaboration among researchers from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium, and the University of North Carolina at […]