All posts tagged with iron overload
-(Natural News) Osteoporosis or “porous bone” is a condition that causes bones to become brittle, raising the risk of falls and fractures that can be fatal in old age. It is thought that poor calcium intake and eating disorders are the main causes of osteoporosis, but natural health proponent Robert Rister adds that some 25 […]
-(Natural News) Iron is a vital mineral primarily found in red blood cells, and has many physiological roles to play in the human body. However, taking the right amount of iron is the key to its benefits. According to an international study published in the Public Library of Science Medicine, excess iron intake may increase the […]
-(Natural News) Too much iron is bad for you, particularly if you’re a man. Some men are predisposed to accumulating high levels of iron in their organs and glands, and this can contribute to their bodies undergoing oxidative stress, tissue damage, and early aging. Excessive iron intake can also place a man under greater risk […]
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