All posts tagged with iron deficiency
-(Natural News) Iron is a vital mineral primarily found in red blood cells, and has many physiological roles to play in the human body. However, taking the right amount of iron is the key to its benefits. According to an international study published in the Public Library of Science Medicine, excess iron intake may increase the […]
-(Natural News) Iron is an essential mineral that plays a key role in producing hemoglobin — a complex protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Aside from that, this mineral also has a wide variety of other beneficial effects on overall health, including eliminating fatigue, improving muscle strength, preventing […]
-(Natural News) Skin color is the result of varying genetic traits that are quite unique to each individual. Different types of shades, pigments or complexions can be found even among people sharing the same racial background. Even a brother and sister with the same genetic parents can have different skin types. However, your skin may […]
-(Natural News) Dizziness is a common term used to describe feelings of lightheadedness, wooziness, and unsteadiness. It can also refer to the false sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving. People who are suffering from recurring or severe dizziness know how much of an unpleasant experience it is and how it can interfere with daily life. […]
-(Natural News) Researchers from the U.S. have found that vitamin D can potentially be used in cancer treatment. In their findings, which they published in the journal JAMA, revealed that supplementing vitamin D can inhibit the progression of advanced colorectal cancer. What is colorectal cancer? Colorectal cancer is the term for cancers that develop in the colon […]
-(Natural News) Iron is one of the essential nutrients that the body needs in large amounts every day. Both animal-based and plant-derived foods can provide enough iron to strengthen a person’s immunity to diseases and raise energy levels. The body converts iron into hemoglobin, the protein used by red blood cells to carry oxygen to every corner of the body. […]
-(Natural News) Even though developed nations boast of great technology, infrastructure, economy, and advanced medical care, they still suffer from ballooning rates of obesity, chronic disease, cardiovascular issues, metabolic disorders, and cancer. Infectious diseases still run rampant in developed nations, despite advances in plumbing and sanitation. The breakdown of developed nations is a slow and […]
-(Natural News) If you have trouble digesting dairy products, cashew milk can serve as an excellent alternative. Whether you take it in its sweetened or unsweetened form, nutrient-dense cashew milk can provide a number of health benefits not found in cow’s milk. Here are 10 good reasons why you should start incorporating cashew milk into […]
-(Natural News) These days, more people are going for vegan and plant-based diets and although these have their fair share of advantages, they are also causing people to become deficient in essential nutrients. Iron deficiency is the most prevalent nutritional disorder. According to the World Health Organization, it affects more than 30 percent of the world’s […]
-(Natural News) Menstruating women, especially those who live in low-income countries, tend to be deficient in iron. Low levels of iron can negatively affect the health of these women. To prevent and treat this condition, most of them use iron supplements. A team of Cochrane researchers based in Australia, Canada, and the U.K. conducted a […]
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