Holistic thinking is more valuable than IQ intelligence

“Holistic thinking” is far more important than raw IQ. It turns out that many people who think they’re intelligent — including many doctors — are only really good at MEMORIZING things. But memorization can be achieved a billion times faster (and with better accuracy) by machines. The rise of intelligent machines makes memorization in humans Read More


Statin scam revealed: Cholesterol drugs cause stroke, damage heart and lower IQ

Big Pharma continues to push statins on the general public, despite an overwhelmingly massive amount of evidence that the drugs do more harm than good. Buzz headlines such “statins reduce heart disease” and “statins aid bypass surgery” litter the internet. And although statins may help lower “bad” cholesterol, it is immoral to promote the benefits Read More


How to boost your I.Q. naturally

Everyone wants to be smarter. According to genetic determinism, however, intelligence is an inherited biological trait. Efforts to boost mental performance only go so far. The moments those efforts stop, we revert back into our limited mindset. The myth of genetic determinism must be done away with. Contrary to popular belief, intelligence is not a Read More


Fluoride in tap water is making us stupid

A study by Harvard researchers confirmed that fluoride exposure does in fact decrease IQ. The researchers also stated that the results support the possibility of adverse neurodevelopment in children. In fact, in the past, the US government has actually had to call for lower fluoridation levels due to research that suggested neurotoxicity. Studies on the Read More