All posts tagged with immune deficiency
-(Natural News) The Expose published a statistical analysis of sudden cardiovascular deaths following covid-19 vaccination. According to evidence of severe inflammation of the heart and current cardiac arrest trends in young professional athletes, covid-19 vaccines are projected to cause over 62.3 million excess deaths in 2022. The report found cardiovascular deaths doubled for fully vaccinated […]
-(Natural News) You heard right. The Covid vaccines are causing the virus to become more infectious. Imagine that, after all this hype and fear-mongering about herd immunity, and how we must achieve 90 percent vaccination of the world’s population or we all die, the propaganda goes on and on. If they had just left it […]
-(Natural News) Over two hundred doctors and scientists have come together in support of worldwide distribution of vitamin D to help treat covid infections and reduce hospitalizations, ICU admissions and deaths. The doctors are calling on all governments and healthcare systems around the world to immediately recommend and distribute vitamin D to adult populations. Long […]