Montmorency cherry

Montmorency cherry juice shown to be as effective at reducing high blood pressure as medication

If you’re looking for another reason to drink cherry juice, look no further. A new study from Northumbria University, Newcastle, found that Montmorency cherry juice is just as effective at lowering high blood pressure as medication. The results of the study, published in the The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, discovered that men with early hypertension, Read More


Acupuncture effectively relieves hypertension without negative side effects of pharmaceuticals

A component of ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture is documented as being used for medical purposes as far back as 2,000 years ago. Some even say it was practiced in China 4,000 years ago. Thankfully, its popularity is growing across the West, and it is now used to successfully treat a variety of ailments including hypertension Read More

Top 10 reasons to eat more garlic

Top 10 reasons to eat more garlic

Garlic is infamously known as the “stinky rose” for the potent smell it can leave on your breath. Nevertheless, garlic is used by chefs throughout the world to add flavor to a variety of cuisines. There is more to garlic than flavor, however. Garlic has been treasured for its medicinal properties for ages, used to Read More

Top 10 foods for improving blood pressure

Top 10 foods for improving blood pressure

High blood pressure (HBP) infects the veins of society. It is defined as high pressure in the arteries, which are vessels that carry blood throughout the body. HBP increases the risk for heart attack, stroke, aneurysms and kidney failure. Blood pressure is the amount of force that blood exerts against arterial walls. It is measured Read More