All posts tagged with hydrogen energy
-(Natural News) Splitting water to create renewable hydrogen energy looks good on paper – until you realize that making it requires a lot of the “dirty energy” it’s trying to replace, like fossil fuel. In a study published in the American Chemical Society’s ACS Catalysis, researchers from the University of Delaware and Columbia University established a process that can produce greener hydrogen […]
-(Natural News) Eggs have long been a delicious and fulfilling source of energy for groggy people who need protein in their stomach. But now, a Japanese research team suggested that egg whites can be used to make a clean-burning fuel for power generation, reported Science Daily. Study leader Hiroyasu Tabe of the Osaka City University said hydrogen […]
-(Natural News) Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles have crafted a device that can utilize solar energy to effectively and cheaply create and store energy, which could then be used to power electronic devices, and to harness hydrogen fuel for environmentally-friendly cars. The device allows for inexpensive hydrogen vehicles because it can produce […]