All posts tagged with human civilization
-(Natural News) An ancient, advanced civilization that existed before the Biblical account of Adam was wiped out by a comet strike around 12,800 years ago. This Younger Dryas era strike impacted the ice sheet of present-day North America, causing the Great Flood, a global deluge of flooding and ocean level rise that buried land masses, […]
-(Natural News) The decarbonization terraforming of planet Earth is now under way. A new project has already been launched that will install mega machines across five U.S. states to harvest “life molecules” out of the atmosphere in an effort to shut down photosynthesis and unleash global food crop failures that destroy human civilization. Farmland is […]
-(Natural News) The war against humanity isn’t merely a globalist extermination agenda run by power-crazed humans. Far beyond that, there is a cosmic war to commit planet-scale genocide against the human race in order to prepare Earth for a post-human existence. In today’s Situation Update, we begin by covering the Pentagon’s confirmation that wreckage from […]
-(Natural News) The arrogance of science has doomed humanity, and events have been triggered that will result in the annihilation of human civilization as it exists today. The climate change hoax is the perfect example of how “science” has become a malicious, dangerous cult of lunacy that now demands Earth be turned into a cold, […]
-(Natural News) In case you haven’t noticed, articles about extraterrestrial intelligence have been appearing with increasing frequency across the mainstream media and scientific establishment. It’s no longer “fringe” to talk about intelligent, non-Earth civilizations, and the really forward looking scientific thinkers are finally starting to ask questions about what may await us after disclosure is […]
-(Natural News) Things are about to break wide open as humanity’s awakening collides with a global agenda to destroy humanity. In the context of this cosmic battle for the future of humanity, there are five incredibly important things you need to know about things that have already begun to happen. The effort to silence humanity, […]
-(Natural News) For more than a decade, Natural News has been warning the public about the dangers of the use of chemical pesticides and herbicides, and the genetic modification of plants to withstand the onslaught of such chemicals. In return, Natural News – like most members of the independent media – has been vilified, mocked […]
-(Natural News) You may recall it was barely two weeks ago that the New York Times published an op-ed applauding the extermination of the human race as a way to “save the planet.” Now, The UK Guardian, a globalist-run propaganda rag that despises human freedom, has published a story saying that declining birth rates of […]
-(Natural News) Many of us feel that society will collapse eventually, but lots of people don’t think it will happen during their lifetime. Although no one wants to believe that we could one day face such a scenario, a scientific model suggests that it could be coming a lot sooner than we think. A scientific […]
-(Natural News) The ideas of Leftists are rooted in such dangerous insanity that if liberals got what they are currently demanding, they would destroy human civilization. All of their key ideas are horrible failures. That’s because they’re rooted in delusional thinking rather than rationality and logic. The very fabric of modern human civilization would be […]