All posts tagged with hospital protocol
-(Natural News) Whistleblower Erin Olszewski, better known as Nurse Erin, joined Owen Shroyer and guest host Kristi Lee in “War Room” to talk about how the government is purging individuals who go against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) narrative. “The FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation] has been at my door, they continue to harass me. And […]
-(Natural News) According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the new leading cause of death in the United States is something called “misinformation.” FDA chief Robert Califf appeared on CNN to talk about the new leading cause of death. He said, “the reliable, truthful messages are not getting across, and it’s being washed down […]
-(Natural News) A British woman who was infected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) said ivermectin smuggled in a chocolate bar saved her life. The woman named Carol and her husband Michael also denounced the National Health Service (NHS) for following COVID-19 death protocols instead of using treatments that work. Carol, who has not received the […]
-(Natural News) A Virginia hospital has yielded to a court order and allowed ivermectin to be given to a patient infected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). The medical facility permitted the use of the anti-parasitic drug after a judge threatened fines of $10,000 per day. The move was a victory for the family of Kathy […]
-(Natural News) Texas chiropractor Dr. Bryan Ardis warned about the medical establishment’s lies about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). He issued this warning during the Oct. 25 edition of “America Unhinged” on Brighteon.TV. Ardis also told program host and theologian John Diamond how more effective COVID-19 cures have been discredited in favor of the vaccines. Ardis […]
-(Natural News) Erin Olszewski, a nurse with experience in both Florida and New York hospitals, reveals that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and zinc are more effective Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) treatments. She shared this revelation to Dr. Bryan Ardis on the Sept. 22 edition of the latter’s “The Dr. Ardis Show” on Brighteon.TV. Olszewski adds that New York’s […]
-(Natural News) Dr. Bryan Ardis revealed the “death protocol” used by hospitals to treat Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients. He told The Matrixxx Grooove Show hosts Jeff Peterson and Shannon “Shady” Grove about this protocol during the program’s Sept. 2 edition on Brighteon.TV. A staunch critic of ill-advised hospital protocols, Ardis defended the use of more […]