All posts tagged with Homestead
-(Natural News) When you’re planning your first garden, things can be overwhelming. Once you get over the excitement of choosing which plants to grow and buying gardening tools, you need to make sure that your goals are attainable so you don’t waste your time and resources. (h/t to There’s nothing wrong with setting big goals, but […]
-(Natural News) Having a home garden is a must for many preppers and homesteaders, especially if you want to make sure that you family only eats fresh fruits and vegetables grown without any harmful pesticides. But what if you have excess produce and no root cellar for storage? If you’re looking for storage options for […]
-(Natural News) Designing a natural disaster-proof home is key to surviving if and when SHTF. If you already have a home and have no plans to move anytime soon, you can also make changes to your property to ensure that it can withstand natural disasters that are common in your area. Don’t wait until it’s too […]
-(Natural News) Most gardens take up a lot of horizontal space in someone’s yard or homestead. But if you live in a small space, like an apartment in the city, you can still grow your own food if you use the right tools. The trick to small-space gardening is utilizing your vertical space. (h/t to […]
-(Natural News) Making sure your homestead is protected from both natural disasters and crime is key to ensuring your safety when SHTF. There are many ways to protect your home, and some tried-and-true methods include using sturdy fences and having good communication with your neighbors. (h/t to Homesteads are often located in rural areas […]
-(Natural News) If you have access to a balcony, you can make productive use of the space by starting your own balcony garden. Given the limited space, you’ll need to use plenty of pots and containers. Depending on the size of the balcony, you can also add trellises to some of the containers to allow plants to […]
-(Natural News) For most gardeners, midsummer is the time to harvest crops sown in spring, such as berries and tomatoes. But you can also plant crops in midsummer for a fall harvest. The secret to an abundant fall garden is planting fast-growing crops now while the soil is still warm. Warm summer soil allows seeds to germinate quickly. […]
-(Natural News) The use of fertilizers dates back 8,000 years, when early farmers used manure to fertilize their crops. However, modern, commercial agriculture has now become heavily dependent on toxic synthetic fertilizers. These man-made chemicals allow farmers to temporarily increase the yield of their crops, but they also destroy beneficial soil microorganisms, cause air and water […]
-(Natural News) Food dehydration is the process of reducing moisture in food to prevent the proliferation of bacteria. It’s one of the fastest and least expensive methods of food preservation. Dehydrating foods also reduces their weight, which means you can easily pack dehydrated foods in large quantities for camping and bugging out. However, not all […]
-(Natural News) Living on a homestead seems like sunshine and rainbows from afar. But there’s actually more to homesteading once you get up close and personal. You’ll need to know more than just how to keep the house clean, the animals fed and the vegetables watered. But don’t fret. Each homesteading skill you learn will take you […]