All posts tagged with HIV infection
-(Natural News) Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) has traditionally been used as a longevity supplement. Now, researchers are reporting that it can extend the lives of people who have been infected by the deadly human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The HIV targets the immune system. It causes the steady loss of T helper cells – which […]
-(Natural News) The state of California, not known for its rational decision-making, might have just done the right thing for a change when it comes to enhancing medical freedom. The state’s legislature, commandingly controlled by far-Left Democrats, have sent Gov. Jerry Brown a bill that no longer criminalizes the intentional, knowledgeable transmission of the HIV […]
-(Natural News) No new cases of HIV emerged among a group of gay men who had unprotected sex with infected partners who were undergoing treatment in a new Australian study. While this might be shocking to those of us who have been subjected to the CDC’s fear campaigns surrounding the virus, most scientists and doctors […]