All posts tagged with heavy metal
-(Natural News) The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued more alerts for lead, a toxic heavy metal found in candy, than for the other three sources of food-borne contamination – Salmonella, Escherichia coli, and Clostridium botulinum – combined. This followed a 2006 state law that mandated food testing, after an analysis of outcomes […]
-(Natural News) It’s that time of year again where the weather cools down and doctors, nurses, and pharmacies inject the fear of the flu into your mind so you will drive directly down to your local clinic and willingly let them inject you with the flu. Sounds kind of silly when you think about it. By getting […]
-(Natural News) When we go to the dentist to repair or replace missing or cracked teeth, we usually don’t ask questions about what they put in our mouths. Because of this, tens of thousands of Americans could have dental fixtures in their mouths that contain toxic chemicals. These metal and ceramic inserts, bought on the […]