All posts tagged with heart health

  • Butter-Knife-Margarine
    (Natural News) Butter, once touted as a super villain known to cause heart disease and premature death, is now making its way to a superfood status. Does this misunderstood dairy product have you confused too? You are not alone. While margarine and butter may look similar, they are actually entirely different. Butter contains saturated fat, while […]
  • Hands-Heart-Love
    (Natural News) Heart disease is a growing problem in the United States and across the world. In the US alone, over 610,000 people succumb to heart disease, annually. That’s 1 out of every four deaths each year! Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. The CDC estimates that at […]
  • Cinnamon-Sticks
    (Natural News) Keeping your blood pressure at a normal, healthy level is paramount to overall health. It also helps to reduce your risk of experiencing a heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, vision problems, or having a stroke. High blood pressure is a known risk factor for all of these conditions, and many other life-threatening […]