
Discover the health benefits of black beans

The next time you do your groceries, you better stock up on black beans — research has now shown that aside from having powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, black beans also contain a variety of health benefits that could rival even the most nutritionally-packed supplements. Black beans are rich in antioxidants. Black beans’ medical potency could largely be attributed Read More


Top 10 reasons to cut sugar from your diet

Everyone loves sweets. However, just because our bodies tend to crave sweets doesn’t mean we should indulge our sweet tooth at every opportunity. Nature tuned our ancient ancestors’ palates to enjoy sweet food because it was a rare, ample source of energy at that time. Most fruit in the wild is actually quite bitter, with Read More


The harsh reality of a root canal

Root canals are the much-dreaded procedure used to treat deeply infected teeth without extraction. It seems like a great option; you get to keep your tooth. However, there are seldom-discussed negatives to having root canal procedures done. In a root canal, all of the pulp tissue and nerves inside the tooth are removed. Any identifiable Read More


Studies show gum disease is linked to heart attack

New research shows that gum disease or periodontal disease may be linked to an increased risk of heart disease, and even heart attack. Researchers believe that the inflammation caused by gum disease may affect the vascular system throughout the rest of the body. According to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), diseased gums can aggravate Read More


Study confirms obese kids have key signs of heart disease

Science has already found links between obesity and many diseases. That’s really nothing new; being fat will eventually kill you, no matter how healthy you might think you are. But, as obese parents continue to raise obese children, we must now ask ourselves — what kind of consequences are these kids experiencing? Studies show that Read More