All posts tagged with healthy choices
-(Natural News) A population control group from Minnesota called World Population Balance is taking aim at reproductive health rights and family health with a racist new billboard ad that targets African American families. The advertisement condemns family growth and well being, while threatening minorities to get abortions to prevent family growth. The group runs a […]
-(Natural News) It can be difficult to exercise every day, especially if you have a busy work schedule and home life; but according to a remarkable study, you can “hack” your brain into having good habits by repeating actions until you get used to doing them. The study, which was published in the journal Psychological Review, was […]
-(Natural News) At what point do we take a good, long look at ourselves as a society and say “enough?” Are we going to wait until all our children are overweight or obese before we realize that we have a serious problem on our hands? Parents around the world are overfeeding their children and not […]
Cancer is a lifestyle disease: Researchers make the connection between food, obesity and the big “C”
-(Natural News) How you live your life affects your health, either positively or negatively. Having a healthy lifestyle is a must if you want to be free from diseases. Studies reveal that food, obesity and cancer are related to each other. Obesity is caused by the kind of food you eat. Mounting evidence has shown […] -
-(Natural News) Not getting enough sleep at night means you’ll wake up the next day tired and out of sorts. But did you know that sleep deprivation can also cause weight gain? A study by researchers from King’s College London has revealed that if you sleep less than the required seven hours every night, you […]
-(Natural News) Sticking to a healthy eating habit is challenging for most of us as it remains to be a prospect between pros and cons, psychology expert Elliot Berkman writes in a Daily Mail article. According to Berkman, the dichotomy between good and bad habits has its roots in the Western thought and has well encompassed history in classic […]
-(Natural News) One of the biggest problems modern parents face is getting their kids up off the couch, away from the TV and electronic devices, and out into the garden to play. It seems like if our children aren’t watching TV they’re on some electronic device playing a virtual game. Many of them can go […]
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