
Probiotics may prevent depression and anxiety

In recent years, science has begun to recognize that bacteria do have their benefits for human health, and that there are actually lots of good bacteria. In fact, having a robust colony of bacteria in your gut is now considered to be a market of good health. Also called the intestinal microbiome, scientists are finding Read More


New study shows oatmeal bolsters healthy gut

Oats are a great way to start your day, especially during particularly chilly mornings. They are warm, rich in fiber and a great source of whole grains and nutrients. In addition to this, researchers from the Loviseberg Diaconal Hospital and University of Bergen in Norway and Karolinka Institutet in Sweden say that oats are also an excellent Read More

Credit: Daily Mail

MIT scientist replaces showering with live bacteria-containing mist

An MIT scientist goes 12 years without taking a shower after discovering the benefit of preserving healthy bacteria that’s normally washed away with soap and water. David Whitlock, an MIT-trained chemical engineer and developer of AO+ believes that restoring healthy bacteria to the skin improves a range of human health conditions. Whitlock helped found AOBiome, Read More