All posts tagged with healthy babies
-(Natural News) Fewer than four in ten pregnant women in America follow the public health recommendation to get a flu vaccine. Although this percentage is a lot lower than public health officials might like to see, it is still remarkably high when you consider the dangers. Worries by mothers-to-be about potential harm to their fetuses […]
-(Natural News) Good nutrition is essential for kids to grow up strong and healthy — even right out of the womb. In the past, breastfeeding was seen as “taboo” and “inferior” to formula feeding, but today we know better. This may sound shocking but breast milk is the perfect food for babies by design, and […]
-(Natural News) Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, Germany have concluded that prenatal stress-induced binge eating is usually pre-programmed in the fetal brain. This prior programming, however, does not ensure the disorder; it only comes to such if some signals are triggered. The researchers further discovered that it is possible to […]
-(Natural News) Vitamin D, also called the “sunshine vitamin,” does more than keep your bones and teeth healthy. According to a study, taking enough vitamin D when you’re pregnant can help lower your unborn child’s risk of developing autism. The study, which was published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, is part of “Generation R,” a large research project […]