All posts tagged with health claims
-(Natural News) When they first started becoming popular back in the 1980s, soy products were hailed by many as being the healthy alternative to dairy, meat, and various other foods that people have been safely consuming since the beginning of time. But we now know that soy is a major detriment to human health (especially […]
-(Natural News) A London-based company is in hot water after claims that its weight loss product could help lower the blood glucose levels of people with Type 1 Diabetes surfaced on social media. BoomBod, a popular line of diet drink mixes, is being tasked with explaining to the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) why a testimonial […]
-(Natural News) A study published in the journal Preventive Medicine has looked into how U.S. policies and regulations can support clear and truthful labeling of toddler drinks, especially since international and U.S. health experts and pediatricians do not recommend them. To help parents provide their toddlers with healthier drinks, the scientists involved in the study urged the Food and […]
-(Natural News) The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) is urging the European Commission (EC) to look into the misleading labels of “unhealthy food and beverage products” that claim to be good for its target markets. The BEUC’s recently launched campaign aims to boycott the EC’s “long-standing failure” to put an end to the “bogus food claims” […]
-(Natural News) It’s hard to ignore the writings on the wall when it comes to diet soda. Several studies have pointed out the adverse effects of drinking diet sodas — people who regularly drank diet soda are more likely to develop stroke and dementia and may not be even helping you lose weight. (Related: Diet soda, aspartame linked to premature […]
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