All posts tagged with gut flora
-(Natural News) The term “superfood” gets thrown around a lot these days, but blueberries certainly deserve that title. They are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties that provide benefits for gut health, support weight loss and even lower blood pressure. One of the best benefits blueberries can offer is helping improve brain health. Blueberries […]
-(Natural News) Many people are getting sick – even dying – because of the food they eat. Take the typical American diet for example. It is loaded with processed, low-fiber foods, chemicals, and denatured ingredients that are toxic to the body, especially to the gut. Most Americans only consume around 15 grams (g) of fiber each […]
-(Natural News) Most health-conscious consumers know about all kinds of foods, herbs, and supplements that boost the immune system naturally. From Vitamins D, C, and B12, to turmeric and garlic, and from probiotic-rich foods to medicinal mushrooms, you don’t have to break your wallet or empty your purse just to give your immune system that […]
-(Natural News) The word “probiotic” is a combination of the words “pro,” meaning “for,” and “biotic,” meaning “life.” This essentially means that probiotics are “for life,” an appropriate name considering they help promote proper digestion, nutrient absorption, and healthy immune system function of our bodies. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in our digestive tracts. Prebiotics are the food […]
-(Natural News) Many studies have found a strong link between gut health and immunity. Having an ideal balance of good gut bacteria is important for optimal health. This can be achieved with proper eating habits and nutrition. One of the best foods for improving gut bacteria is wild blueberry. Wild blueberries are known for their […]
-(Natural News) According to a study by researchers from the University of Oxford, there is “a direct link between physical contact and gut bacteria” in red-bellied lemurs. The scientists believe that their findings can be used to further research on human health and that the phenomenon is probably made possible “through ‘huddling’ behavior and touch.” Researchers […]
-(Natural News) You may have heard before that your stomach is home to trillions of bacteria. These microorganisms help break down the food you eat and have a lot to do with the quality of your overall health. But did you know that the state of your gut can impact the state of your mind, and in turn may […]
-(Natural News) Yogurt is a popular probiotic-rich food, but did you know that kefir, a cultured and fermented beverage, is also good for your gut? According to a study, kefir can even help lower blood pressure. A team of researchers from Auburn University worked together with researchers from the University of Vila Velha to study the effects of […]
-(Natural News) There are at least 1,000 different kinds of bacteria and 40 million microbial cells found in our gut. A balance in the gut microbiome is really vital to keep not just our physical health well, but also our mental and emotional well-being. To be able to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the […]
-(Natural News) So what’s in a name? For scientists, it’s the chance to learn more about a new compound that carries potential benefits to human health. In a study published in the journal Trends in Food Science & Technology, the team looked at how “postbiotics” – defined as soluble factors that are released by probiotics – […]