All posts tagged with godlessness
-(Natural News) One of the brains behind The World Economic Forum (WEF), is self-proclaimed prophet, Yuval Noah Harari. He believes in the Great Reset, in transhumanism, in culling the population, and using a global government to control humanity at the bio-metric level. He is praised by Bill Gates, Barack Obama Mark Zuckerberg, and Klaus Schwab, […]
-(Natural News) Despite its strong Christian origins, the United States of America is rapidly descending into total amorality and godlessness, with statues openly honoring Satan now appearing on government property all across the country. Back in December, for instance, it was reported that the Chicago chapter of the “Temple of Satan” was given permission to […]
-(Natural News) In order to discourage people from believing in God, and instead have them put all their faith in the godless state (atheism), scientists for more than a decade now have been toying around with a so-called “fundamentalist vaccine,” also known as “FunVax,” that they claim will rid people of their “God gene” and […]