All posts tagged with gmo meat
-(Natural News) From the halting of fertilizer and animal feed shipments to the waves of arson that have burnt down food factories in America, the Biden Administration seems to be strategically and nefariously deconstructing America’s agricultural infrastructure, but why? One reason is to convert the entire “meat” industry from real food into Franken-food. This plan, […]
-(Natural News) Consumers have become more mindful of how food is produced, a recent study showed. The study revealed that consumers look for specific on-farm practices in making purchasing decisions such as no growth hormones and no genetically modified organisms. To carry out the study, a team of researchers at the University of Illinois College of Agricultural, […]
-(Natural News) Processing American food began after World War II, when we started canning produce and adding preservatives and additives. In 1950, scientists figured out that adding antibiotics to animal feed increased the livestock’s growth rate. Then, in the early 1980s, the U.S. began extensively using hormones for livestock, and genetically engineering crops to contain […]
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