All posts tagged with gluten free
-(Natural News) What is “deformed” food? In different ways food can be deformed in a laboratory or it can become deformed. When scientists genetically modify food, it means they take genes from a plant or animal that naturally kill certain bugs, worms and weeds, and then work it into the seedlings of crops and produce. […]
-(Natural News) Yam is a staple crop grown in Asia, the Caribbean, South Pacific and Africa. In some parts of the world, particularly in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, yam serves as the main source of calories in people’s diets. According to researchers at North Dakota State University, increased utilization of local staple crops, such as […]
-(Natural News) Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that causes damage to the small intestine. When people with this disease ingest gluten, this protein triggers an immune response that damages the villi, which are small projections along the small intestine necessary for nutrient absorption. The consequences of gluten consumption for people with celiac disease can be severe, hence they […]
-(Natural News) Rice is a staple food in many Asian countries and is usually consumed as part of every major meal. Not only is rice an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, but it is also loaded with fiber that supports digestive health. In a study presented early this year at the European Congress on Obesity […]
-(Natural News) Buckwheat, despite what its name suggests, is neither a cereal nor wheat product. It’s a fruit seed that comes from the buckwheat plant (Fagopyrum esculentum), and it is more closely related to rhubarb and sorrel. Buckwheat belongs to a food group commonly called pseudocereals – seeds that are consumed similarly to grains but don’t grow […]
-(Natural News) In a recent study which appeared in Nutrition Research, researchers from China found that tartary buckwheat, a crop widely grown in Asia, can help improve insulin levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. They also revealed that eating this type of buckwheat can lead to reduced bad cholesterol levels. To test whether tartary buckwheat can help […]
-(Natural News) Italian researchers revealed in a recent article published in the Journal of Neurology the case of a 75-year-old man with Parkinson’s disease whose symptoms dramatically recovered after following a three-month gluten-free diet. The researchers reported that while celiac disease is often associated with gastrointestinal complaints, it also has neurological symptoms. Aside from causing gut and intestinal problems, wheat intolerance […]
-(Natural News) Substitutes for white rice are staples of a healthy diet. They come mostly in the form of whole grains, which provide complex carbohydrates like dietary fiber and other nutrients. Classic examples of white rice substitutes are barley, oats, and a nutritious, gluten-free seed called quinoa. Quinoa is considered a superfood that is on par with whole grains in […]
-(Natural News) There are plenty of natural therapies for improving the painful symptoms of a migraine. These health supplements, herbal remedies, and alternative medicines can help manage migraines, especially if the patient also avoids triggers for the condition, such as food, food additives like MSG and artificial sweeteners, and heavy metals. Amend migraine-causing nutrient deficiencies with […]
Buckwheat is a nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, and gluten-free alternative to common cereal grains
-(Natural News) Buckwheat is a gluten-free and nutritious alternative to cereal grains that should be added to your diet. Buckwheat boosts heart health, and it is often used to manage conditions such as Type 2 diabetes. Buckwheat is a type of pseudocereal, and this group of foods includes seeds that are consumed like cereal grains. However, […]