All posts tagged with gastrointestinal microbiota
-(Natural News) It’s said that the shortest way to a man’s heart is through the stomach. However, a new study provides a unique take on it, saying that the state of your heart and blood vessels affects the population of good bacteria that live inside the gut. Gut bacteria participate in many vital processes that keep the […]
-(Natural News) The idiom “gut feeling” takes on a whole new meaning after Canadian researchers released their findings on the gut microbiome. They claim that gut bacteria can affect the way that person’s brain works, an article from the BBC states. It will be a long while before experts finish identifying all of the microbes […]
-(Natural News) Various health trends come and go depending on how effective they are, but here’s one for the books: experts are warning people against DIY fecal transplants, which can reportedly address autoimmune and bowel diseases. This dangerous trend can increase an individual’s risk of hepatitis and HIV along with various conditions like multiple sclerosis, obesity, Parkinson’s, and even sleep […]
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