All posts tagged with freeze-dried foods
-(Natural News) When preparing supplies for your food stockpile, two of the top food preservation methods you should consider using are freeze-drying and dehydrating. But do you know what makes them different from each other? And is one method better for your food storage needs? (h/t to Differences between freeze-dried and dehydrated food Freeze-drying is a […]
-(Natural News) After setting up a food stockpile, you need to regularly rotate your supplies to ensure that you always have a fresh batch of food. Set aside some time for checking your stash of emergency food on a semi-regular basis. Check if your family can eat the food that you have stockpiled and make sure […]
-(Natural News) Nowadays, it would be difficult to imagine a time when you’ll find yourself short on food. However, disasters are unpredictable and don’t discriminate — they can strike anywhere and at any time. Preppers often remedy this by stockpiling plenty of food to last them a long time. But this essential prepper skill requires […]