All posts tagged with freedom of choice
-(Natural News) The Ministry of Health in Japan has stressed that getting COVID-19 vaccines are not mandatory, as it shifts its focus on giving informed consent on vaccine-related injuries and adverse effects. In addition, the country has also recently labeled its vaccines with risk warnings for myocarditis to ensure that people are informed of what is being injected […]
-(Natural News) Japan’s Ministry of Health is taking a different, more sensible approach to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines by labeling them with a warning about their adverse effects like myocarditis. They also reaffirmed their commitment to adverse event reporting to document possible side effects of getting the jab. The ministry stated: “Although we encourage all […]
-(Natural News) The medical profession is fast becoming an unattractive prospect to young people, many of whom are not at all interested in become just another Big Pharma pawn. “Brain drain,” as they call it – this is when there is not enough interested talent to maintain a profession – is spreading like wildfire throughout […]
-(Natural News) Fake News CNN brought on one of their favorite vaccine propagandists, Dr. Paul Offit, to push for “mass vaccination events” across the United States. These “mass vaccination events” could be rolled out in every community across the country as soon as possible. Offit is the director of the Vaccine Education Center and professor […]
-(Natural News) The New England Journal of Medicine is getting behind Bill Gate’s nefarious plan to claim ownership over every human being and force vaccinate them indefinitely. The totalitarian plan, released in the prestigious medical journal, reveals strategies to force covid-19 vaccine compliance onto individuals and families through manipulation, coercion, lost income and social ostracizing. […]
-(Natural News) In response to a vaccine industry propaganda piece recently published by NBC News, Rick Wilson, a Trump-hating member of the establishment Republican party, tweeted about how parents who oppose vaccination for their children should be sent to re-education camps. A throwback to Nazi Germany, Wilson declared “anti-vaxxers” a “scourge” on society, and demanded […]
-(Natural News) You have been lied to. For years, the mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry have been deceiving the general public with their pro-vaccine propaganda, pushing the idea that vaccines hold the miracle panacea to disease prevention. Vaccines have been touted to be safe and effective, but this is only true to a certain […]
-(Natural News) There’s a new government web portal where Americans can file official complaints against medical practices and other service providers for violating conscience and religious freedom laws as they pertain to “mandatory” vaccinations. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) now offers anybody wanting to do so the ability to write, fax, […]
-(Natural News) The raw water craze has prompted a national debate about two major issues: food safety, and food freedom. Proponents of food freedom say that no one should be forced to drink tap water – especially given the fact that this so-called drinking water is usually laced with fluoride and other toxins. But, as […]
-(Natural News) The Golden State is often said to be one of the most socially accepting of “alternative” lifestyles that defy the norm. But when it comes to allowing people who identify as LGBT to seek counseling from professionals about issues related to sexual orientation and gender, for instance, California appears to be on the […]