Three shocking ingredients hidden in your food (Audio)

Learn these three shocking things you never knew about what’s in your food! You’ll be STUNNED about what you’re eating or feeding your pets. This podcast covers: 1) The shocking origins of commercial chicken eggs. 2) The startling truth about pet food review websites. 3) The unbelievable truth about toxic heavy metals in organic foods. Read More


Food transparency and the democratization of science (Audio)

The “democratization of science” means science being conducted by individual citizens rather than being monopolized and controlled by corrupt governments and deceptive corporations. With his forensic food lab, the Health Ranger is spearheading the field of citizen science, yet he also supports continued scientific advancements that would put analytical instruments into the hands of ordinary Read More


Food Investigations Part 1

Part one of the Food Investigations series by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger. This introduction explains some of the many toxins found in the food supply and how Adams decided to build a forensic food laboratory to discover the truth about what we’re all being sold by the food giants. Hear more at FoodInvestigations.com


Why isn’t the FDA testing foods for heavy metals and publishing the results?

As I’ve been finalizing the expansion of my new food science laboratory, I’m increasingly wondering, “Hey, how come the FDA isn’t doing this?” It’s a legitimate question. Why isn’t the FDA testing off-the-shelf food products for heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, benzenes, parabens and other toxic chemicals? Isn’t this all about “public safety?” Why does it Read More


The lamest excuses for heavy metals in dietary supplements

In this powerful four-part series, Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) reveals the lamest excuses used by food and supplement manufacturers for keeping toxic heavy metals in their products. Adams discusses the origins of toxic heavy metals (contaminated farmland in China, for example) and why most companies in the dietary supplements industry turn a blind eye Read More