Tagged Under: food packaging
08/30/2024 / By Olivia Cook
Recycled plastics might sound like an eco-friendly choice, but they can be more toxic than new plastics. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has...
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11/29/2022 / By Zoey Sky
The U.S. recycling system is not perfect. As of 2018, 292.4 million tons of municipal solid waste were generated in America in a single year....
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05/25/2022 / By Ramon Tomey
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denied petitions to ban hormone-disrupting phthalates found in food packaging. Phthalates have been linked to...
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09/28/2021 / By Mary Villareal
Spain is the latest country to zero in on the battle against plastic pollution. It is now banning the use of plastic wrap for fruits and vegetables...
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07/26/2021 / By Divina Ramirez
Chemical giants DuPont and Daikin had known about the dangers of certain chemicals used in food packaging since 2010 but hid them from the Food and...
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06/21/2021 / By Virgilio Marin
A new study published in the journal Nature Sustainability found that plastic items used for packaging takeout food and drinks contributed nearly...
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06/08/2021 / By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Foodborne illness is a major concern for the food industry and regulatory agencies around the world. The most common cause of foodborne illness, or...
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04/13/2021 / By Divina Ramirez
The global rate of plastic production is projected to double, if not triple, over the next few decades. Researchers warn that this could mean more...
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03/30/2021 / By Evangelyn Rodriguez
In this study, a researcher at Pamukkale University in Turkey assessed the potential of antimicrobial films for use in active food packaging. His...
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09/14/2020 / By Divina Ramirez
Chip bags, plastic drink pouches and similar plastic rubbish have become the most abundant trash found along beaches, outpacing cigarette butts as...
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07/14/2020 / By Zoey Sky
Plastics are everywhere – in food packaging, everyday items you use and even in personal hygiene products. But according to the shocking results...
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03/02/2020 / By Zoey Sky
Food waste is a problem that affects not just your grocery budget but also the environment. But if you're worried about food safety while also trying...
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01/29/2020 / By Darnel Fernandez
Before you start digging in your latest take-out purchase and taking a sip out of your soda can, it would be wise to make sure that you aren't...
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11/28/2019 / By Darnel Fernandez
When you're in a rush and don't have time to prepare your own food, takeout is a quick and easy solution. But are you aware that your to-go meal...
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11/21/2019 / By Tracey Watson
While most of us are aware of the dangers posed by pollution, we may not be aware that our very existence is being threatened in a very different way...
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11/20/2019 / By Grace Olson
Breakfast cereals are convenient and easy to eat, but they are not as healthy as they claim to be. A closer look at their lists of ingredients...
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10/27/2019 / By Grace Olson
Storing food at home is different from storing them inside your car. Whether it’s going for a short ride or getting stranded in your car during an...
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08/31/2019 / By Edsel Cook
To reduce the plastic waste that their countries churn out every year, stores in Thailand and Vietnam have begun switching to an environment-friendly...
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07/27/2019 / By Zoey Sky
Many cooking shows often feature intricately designed cakes that require incredible balancing and architectural skills. But the chefs who make...
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07/14/2019 / By Zoey Sky
It can be difficult to live a zero waste life, but you can start your journey to sustainability by making small changes, such as refusing single-use...
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