
Too much folic acid during pregnancy may increase the risk of developing autism, according to a new study

Expecting mothers are advised to get plenty of the nutrient folate to thwart the development of neurological problems in their babies, but a new study from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health indicates too much folate can increase the risk of children developing autism spectrum disorder. Folate and folic acid are two terms used Read More


B Vitamins to protect your brain, and your heart

There are three B-vitamins that are critical to prevent memory loss and stroke. They can even help reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer’s Disease as you get on in years. Vitamins B12, B6 and folate can also help to improve your memory now, and for the long term, as well as boost your mood and energy Read More

Top 10 benefits of avocados

Top 10 health benefits of avocados

Avocados are on the rise in America. According to data from the Hass Avocado Board, sales for Hass avocados, the most widely consumed avocado in the United States, have nearly quadrupled since 2000. This beloved fruit is used in a variety of dishes and recipes. They can be used as a dip, spread or topping, Read More