All posts tagged with financial terrorism
-(Natural News) Democrats in Rhode Island have proposed new legislation that would punish the parents of unvaccinated children with double the state’s normal tax rate. If passed, the bill would financially cripple unvaccinated parents by not only doubling their personal income tax rate but also fining them an extra $50 per month for leaving their […]
-(Natural News) Since its inception in 1990, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’ (FAO) Food Price Index has never been higher than it was in February, compliments of endless money printing and many decades of corrupt monetary policy. The corporate-controlled media, however, is blaming Vladimir Putin as it always does whenever the financial terrorists find […]
-(Natural News) Canadians are in the middle of a war. Their body autonomy and due process rights continue to be stripped, layer by layer, by a terrorist, totalitarian government. The Canadian government is now targeting individuals who support freedom, medical ethics, democracy and the rule of law by freezing their bank accounts. The Canadian government […]
-(Natural News) All governments eventually resort to terrorism against their own citizens when they don’t get the compliance they want. It is a universal rule repeated thousands of times throughout history. And now, as the freedom convoy participants in Canada are achieving real traction against the tyranny of Justin “Castro” Trudeau’s regime, that same regime […]
-(Natural News) Over the years, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, has made various predictions about future events that, in many cases, have come true. He foresaw the infamous “dot com” crash, for instance, as well as the housing bubble crash – and more recently made predictions about Donald Trump winning the 2016 presidential election and […]