All posts tagged with fibromyalgia relief
-(Natural News) Patients with fibromyalgia suffer from depression, fatigue, and muscle pain. Taking L-carnitine supplements offers a natural method of alleviating the symptoms of muscle disorder. L-carnitine is a natural substrate that serves as an electron transporter. It brings electrons to the mitochondria, the energy-producing structures of the cells. The mitochondria convert the particles into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a […]
-(Natural News) Looking for a natural approach that effectively relieves the painful and exhausting symptoms of fibromyalgia? Taking magnesium supplements is a great way to deal with the chronic condition. While the primary cause of fibromyalgia remains unclear, some experts suggest that high levels of physical and physiological stress can increase the risk of developing […]
-(Natural News) Essential oils are known to effectively alleviate pain and increase the energy produced by the cells in the tissues. Given these beneficial effects, researchers believe that the oils drawn from capsicum, lavender, and peppermint could be potential therapies for fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is indicated by chronic pain, constant fatigue, and sharp changes in mood. There are only a handful of treatments that can […]
-(Natural News) Here’s yet another reason to love having a massage and it comes straight from science – getting a Swedish massage can help regulate the levels of your stress hormone to relieve pain, relax your body, and help you cope after a long day. Cortisol gets a lot of bad press, probably because of […]