quad cig (2)

There’s no cigarette news … except QUADRUPLE the damage

So we looked for news on cigarettes lately–nothing. Of course, just Google the word cigarette and e-cigs populates everywhere. Electronic cigarettes, vaping, e-juice, and bad rumors about how dangerous it all is. That’s all purported by the cigarette industry because thousands of people are quitting smoking thanks to e-cigs. But … that’s another topic for Read More


The typical cigarette filter is made of glass “wool” fibers that cut your lungs to shreds over time

Why do you think the cigarette filters or “butts” that you find on the ground outside take up to 15 years to disintegrate? Do you know why? That’s not just some sponge wrapped tightly in paper, no, that little heat screen is made from glass wool that is VERY SIMILAR to the fiberglass insulation used Read More