All posts tagged with false accusations
-(Natural News) The leading cause of death in the United States today is not heart disease but rather “independent media,” according to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chief Dr. Robert Cardiff. A Joe Biden appointee, Califf claimed during a recent appearance on CNN that independent media outlets must be purged from existence immediately if […]
-(Natural News) When Dr. Anthony Fauci first elbowed his way to the podium and took the national stage — tiptoeing and reaching up to the microphone — he had an air of authoritarianism about him, a persona of arrogance. When he spoke about separating people by six feet, and shutting down their lives — motioning […]
-(Natural News) An East Tennessee jury on Wednesday, June 16, failed to reach a verdict in the case of Anming Hu, formerly an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK). Hu was accused by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of intentionally trying to […]
-(Natural News) Rotavirus vaccine inventor, Dr. Paul Offit, appeared on a recent CNN broadcast to praise mask mandates and social distancing. Offit wants to see masks on every person, every flu season, until the influenza virus is officially declared eradicated. Health authorities in the UK recently announced that the flu has been eradicated thanks to […]
-(Natural News) In 2020, human populations were thoroughly convinced that they could eradicate viruses from the universe by assuming everyone was sick and by avoiding human interaction. Lock downs, business restrictions, mask mandates and social distancing guidelines promised safety from “the virus.” Human populations were taught that collective avoidance was the most empathetic response, and […]
-(Natural News) In an effort to be more “inclusive” and promote “equality,” the University of Michigan-Dearborn recently hosted “black only events” where people of color were encouraged to “discuss their experience as students on campus.” The meeting allows “people of color” to discuss how they are marginalized in a predominantly white society. In order to […]
-(Natural News) “They beat her, bound her and led her from home. She knelt before the crowds as they denounced her. Then they loaded her on to a truck, drove her to the outskirts of town and shot her.” These are the words of Zhang Hongbing, recalling the time he turned in his mother for […]
-(Natural News) Informed consent is essential to every medical decision, especially when it comes to biologics, aka vaccines. When information, data, analysis, and testimony about vaccines are controlled by the vaccine industry, informed consent dies. When knowledge on the immune system is censored from the web, when vaccine risk and injury is not allowed to […]
-(Natural News) On September 3, 2019, the San Francisco board of supervisors passed a resolution declaring the National Rifle Association (NRA) a “terrorist organization.” The discriminatory, three-page dictate forbids city officials from doing business with the NRA and instructs them to “take every reasonable step to limit those entities who do business with the city […]
-(Natural News) Dear readers, As you know, The Epoch Times is a proudly independent news organization dedicated to truthful reporting. (Article by Jasper Fakkert republished from Thanks to your support, we are now America’s fastest-growing newspaper. It appears, however, that not everyone is thrilled with our growth and our dedication to restoring honest journalism. On Aug. […]