All posts tagged with fairness
-(Natural News) A new analysis of who is driving the woke, left-wing cultural rot in America puts most of the blame on liberal white women who have come to appear to either have a guilt complex or have come to believe they have a greater role in shaping our society. “Anyone who is perceptive of current […]
-(Natural News) A weightlifter who was born biologically male but now identifies as a female has become the first transgender athlete to qualify for an Olympic team. The athlete will be competing in the women’s weightlifting categories. The athlete in question is Laurel Hubbard from New Zealand. Hubbard was competing in men’s weightlifting events before transitioning […]
-(Natural News) After (sort of) impeaching President Trump in the Democrat-run House of Representatives, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is now blatantly violating the United States Constitution by refusing to turn over the articles of impeachment to the U.S. Senate for a trial. She says she isn’t yet certain that the Senate will provide a “fair” trial […]
-(Natural News) The state of Ohio recently passed a bill outlawing taxes on feminine hygiene products like tampons because leftists won’t stop complaining that taxing female necessities like this is “unfair.” So what about all of the other products that are necessities for women, including toilet paper, fuel, food, toothpaste, and deodorant: Will these things […]
-(Natural News) A big priority for YouTube right now involves tagging conservative videos as “hate speech” and pushing them to the bottom of users’ search results. But the Google-owned visual content empire apparently sees nothing wrong with algorithmically steering its pedophile contingent towards videos of young children. It was none other than the The New […]
Google censors “white couples” from image search as part of racist, anti-white “fairness” initiative
-(Natural News) We’ve uncovered yet another social justice scheme being perpetrated by Google that involves censoring images of white people from search queries for “white couples.” To go along with the company’s nefarious efforts to steer people away from eating organic food and taking dietary supplements, Google is now trying to memory hole the existence […] -
-(Natural News) It took a while for someone to muster up the courage to speak out against the growing number of sports scandals being perpetrated by transgenders, but someone finally did. Jennifer Wagner, who was born as a woman and still claims to be one, has trained for years as a cyclist. But in a […]
-(Natural News) The time for conservatives to band together and demand that their free speech rights be protected on the Internet is long overdue. Thankfully, it appears that some conservative leaders are now taking a stand and making a concerted effort to push for fair social media policies that don’t discriminate against people based on […]
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