All posts tagged with exorcism
-(Natural News) Pride month and all the child grooming, transgenderism perversion has been over-ridden and replaced with a historic victory for human rights. Pride month has forever become pro-life month. After Roe v. Wade was overturned, the abortion-advocating, left-wing totalitarians melted down into a shocking display of mass mental illness and moral depravity. These totalitarians […]
-(Natural News) There are now so many “fully vaccinated” people showing strong signs of demonic possession that a new St. Michael Center for Spiritual Liberation and Exorcism is opening up in Manila, Philippines. According to reports, the new site will be dedicated to performing exorcisms on people who got jabbed for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). […]
-(Natural News) A renowned board-certified psychiatrist has claimed to have witnessed hundreds of demonic possessions despite being an avowed “man of science.” Dr. Richard Gallagher said he was initially skeptical of demonic possession, despite being a devout Catholic himself. The Columbia University and New York Medical College faculty member eventually served as a scientific adviser to the […]
-(Natural News) Despite the seemingly shocking idea presented by the title of this article, the idea that some individuals are no longer “persons” is an idea championed by the Democrats themselves. The entire slave plantation era in America was, of course, spearheaded by Democrats who demanded “ownership” of slaves, a form of de-personing. It was […]
-(Natural News) What follows in this article is a thought experiment. Many believe the phenomena described here to be real. What do you believe? —- Begin thought experiment —- Markus Persson, the creator of Minecraft, just pointed out that the political Left has “literally been taken over by evil.” (Source) It turns out he’s more […]
-(Natural News) An Ivy League-educated psychiatrist is convinced that there’s a growing epidemic of demonic possession in the world today, and that most everyday people now recognize the dark reality of this scary situation. Dr. Richard Gallagher, who boasts degrees from both Princeton University and Yale University, says that, despite conflicting opinions within mainstream medical […]
-(Natural News) In June, 2014, as reported by the National Catholic Reporter, an independent group of 250 Catholic priests, collectively known as the International Association of Exorcists (IAE), was officially recognized by the Vatican as a “private juridical personality.” This decree meant that the IAE members – who at the time were residents from 30 […]