All posts tagged with execution squads
-(Natural News) For supporters of President Donald Trump who are tempted to believe Joe Biden will bring “unity” to America, we’re here to tell you straight up right now: Disabuse yourself of that belief, because it’s not going to happen. In fact, as several conservative analysts and backers of the president have opined in the […]
-(Natural News) Since before Donald Trump defeated one of the most criminally corrupt presidential nominees in the history of our country to become our 45th president, extreme Leftist factions within the Democrat Party began calling him a “Nazi” because he dared to oppose the political establishment’s open borders orthodoxy. Many conservatives and some liberals were […]
-(Natural News) This is an emergency action alert from Natural News. Earlier this week, the Boston Herald openly published an editorial representing the views of its entire editorial staff, essentially calling for government-run execution squads to mass murder scientists, journalists and naturopathic physicians who oppose mercury in vaccines. According to the Boston Herald, all these […]
-(Natural News) In the latest lunatic, insane example of “vaccine rage” now being pushed by the criminal vaccine industry and its corporate-run media prostitutes, the Boston Herald’s entire editorial staff has openly called for what are essentially government-run execution squads to mass murder scientists, naturopaths, chiropractors and journalists who question the safety of injecting children […]
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