All posts tagged with Evolution
-(Natural News) A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports warns that people who get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are triggering the evolution and spread of new “variants.” The researchers involved with study identified three specific risk factors that favor the emergence of new injection-resistant “strains” of the Chinese Virus, one of […]
-(Natural News) A new paper that has argued for the concept of intelligent design (ID) has just passed peer review. Published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, the paper argues that living beings are too exquisitely complex to have arisen by mindless, purposeless forces of nature, expressing this argument in mathematical terms. In the paper, researchers Steinar […]
-(Natural News) Apparently, monkeys outperform humans when it comes to coming up with strategies. This is according to new research by a group of psychologists from Georgia State University, who conducted a test that pitted the cognitive flexibility of humans against those of monkeys. The test, as described in the journal Scientific Reports, involved 56 humans and […]
-(Natural News) A recent study published in the journal PNAS suggests that apes can understand each other’s mental states, such as desires, beliefs and false beliefs about reality. This ability, called the theory of mind, was once thought to be unique to humans. It’s described as a cognitive skill that allowed a person to decipher what others think or feel […]
-(Natural News) If you believe in the Theory of Evolution as put forth by the late Charles Darwin, then you are a “racist” who needs to be “decolonized.” This is the position of Great Britain’s Natural History Museum, which recently launched a review aiming to stamp out “offensive” and “problematic” collections specifically associated with Darwin […]
-(Natural News) Hearts evolved to make humans better at endurance tasks, a new study has found. According to research conducted by scientists from Canada, the U.K. and the U.S., this change — which started around the time people shifted from being hunter-gatherers to being farmers — enabled humans to become more efficient at maintaining their energy […]
-(Natural News) A study published in the journal Cell found that a scorpion toxin triggering a pain response in humans can be used for studying chronic pain and inflammation. The toxin, called the “wasabi receptor toxin,” comes from the Australian Black Rock scorpion and evolved out of the need to ward off mammalian predators, said researchers from the […]
-(Natural News) Contrary to what most people might think, the human skull — the bone structure that supports the face and forms a protective cavity for the brain — is actually composed of many bones rather than one — 22 bones, to be precise. These bones, which are connected together by fibrous structures known as “cranial sutures,” harden and […]
-(Natural News) Researchers from the University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside) have shown that the way animal mothers nurture their offspring can influence how they develop, and can even influence how fast a new species develops. The study, which was published in the journal Nature Communications, studies more than 170 species from the Poeciliidae family of freshwater fish, the most famous […]
-(Natural News) Modern crocodiles are known as apex predators – and rightly so. While these fearsome reptiles don’t primarily hunt people, estimates indicate that crocodiles kill about 1,000 humans per year. They kill more people per year than other fearsome animals like sharks and hippopotamuses. However, recent research shows that the crocodile’s ancient relatives, which […]