All posts tagged with Event 201
-(Natural News) Last year, an international biosecurity conference was held in Munich that simulated a “global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox.” And guess when monkeypox was scheduled to appear on the world stage? Mid-May 2022. Just like Bill Gates’ Event 201 pandemic simulation exercise announced the novel coronavirus just months before it appeared, […]
-(Natural News) A report published online this week claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of western neighbor, Ukraine, on Thursday is providing the World Economic Forum with a one-time opportunity to launch a “cyber pandemic” that would literally change the global financial system with the push of a button. According to the Strange Sounds […]
-(Natural News) Lilian Franck has put out a new documentary film called “TrustWHO” that exposes billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates as the world’s number-one financier of terrorism and genocide. The way Franck frames it is that Gates is the primary contributor to the World Health Organization (WHO), the “public health” arm of the globalist United Nations. […]
REPORT: Bill Gates teamed up with “socialist” internet foundation to spread Chinese covid propaganda
-(Natural News) The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) partnered up with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, it has been revealed, to push a digital campaign of disinformation and propaganda about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). The China Internet Development Foundation (CIDF), a self-described “socialist” internet group run by a branch of the CCP, reportedly teamed up […] -
-(Natural News) In 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) conducted a simulation called “Cyber Polygon 2020” that predicted a coming global catastrophe caused by a worldwide “cyber pandemic.” Much like how billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates’ “Event 201” predicted the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) before it happened, Cyber Polygon 2020 predictively programmed a coming supply-chain cyberattack similar […]
-(Natural News) What motivated the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a pandemic at the time they did? How much of the pandemonium, governments’ lock downs and corporate control is an overreaction? How much of it was planned? Whose agendas do these lock downs and economic controls ultimately serve? Did you know that covid-19 testing […]
-(Natural News) Too many Americans have been hoodwinked into worrying about “catching” pathogens like the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) through the air, and particularly through excretions of the mouth and nose, when the much bigger threat is being injected with viruses through vaccines. It is a little-known fact that the nation’s blood supply, which is used […]