All posts tagged with Espionage Act
-(Natural News) The story of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is an object lesson in what happens to ‘free’ people in a “democracy” when they attempt to pull back the curtain and expose the evil globalist deep state cabal that runs our world from the shadows instead of those we elect to represent us. After being […]
-(Natural News) Fair-minded Americans know that President Obama and the deep state characters working for him in the Justice Department, the FBI, and the U.S. intelligence community all wanted Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton to win in 2016. So much so, they worked to ensure that she remained free and unindicted so she could run. […]
-(Natural News) During a discussion about “Spygate” on Tuesday’s “Outnumbered” program on Fox News, contributor Katie Pavlich, who’s also the editor at TownHall, was nonplussed about the revelation that President Obama may have been in on the scandal from the get-go. “Barack Obama spied on reporters,” she said at one point. “Why wouldn’t he spy […]
-(Natural News) If you are one of a shrinking number of Americans who still don’t believe fired FBI Director James Comey really stepped in it when he handed over classified memos to a friend for the purpose of having them leaked to the media, one legal expert experienced in high-profile cases may just be able […]
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